Monday, November 9, 2009

Video Game Review Paragraph

“Call Of Duty: World at War” is the 5th game of the “Call of Duty” (COD) series. “Call Of Duty 5” is a first-person shooter game. This game has been adapted to be played for a few different types of game systems; such as Play Station 3, Will, Xbox 360 and the PC. “Call of Duty World at War” was developed by Trey arch and published by Activision for all of the systems it can be played on. On November 11, 2008, this game was released to North American and 3 days later was released to Europe.

Call of Duty World at War is a war game which is focused on World War II, mainly the Pacific and Eastern fronts. There are two teams, which you have the option to play on, the Marine Raider Privates and the Red army. The maps (areas of the battle fields you play in), which you have the opportunity to play, are in America, Japan, Russia, and Germany. Many great historical battles take place through out the game. COD is available to be played in story mode and online. In both story mode and online you have to level up to use certain weapons and play in certain areas, but in story mode you also count on your team to help you out because you have to follow them a lot of the time, but in comparison while you are playing online you do not need to count on your team mates to help you out.

I found this game to be very engaging because there are many maps you can play on and so many different techniques you learn. You figure out and the advantages of certain weapons and look forward to gaining a level, which I found really kept me interested. For instance if you can find a good hiding spot where a lot of action occurs using a Sniper can greatly come out to your advantage, but if you prefer being in the action machine guns are better. I enjoy playing this game because of all the action involved. It was a lot of fun being able to snipe other players and bringing out other types of guns like pistols and machine guns and killing others. As you level up more guns, weapons and areas are available to you, I looked forward to leveling up because I would be able to enjoy the game more because I would have a better gun.

To improve this game I would bring in another team, this way the game would be even more intense than it already is. Not only will you be playing against another set of opponents, but 2 more sets. “Call Of Duty” has made the game very realistic because of the buildings, players, weapons and surroundings, but to make the game even better I would give the players the opportunity to use helicopters and planes and bomb the grounds. I really enjoy playing this game and look forward to the next COD game, when is becomes available.