Monday, September 21, 2009


Impulse by: Ellen Hopkins

Mackenzie Horton

Over the summer I read the book Impulse by Ellen Hopkins. Impulse is a

thrilling novel that is able to grasp your attention and hold it through out the

book. It is definitely one of my favorite novels along with the Harry Potter

series and The Outsiders.

1.) Impulse is a book about three teenagers, Tony, Vanessa and Conner who

all have very different problems and all manage to connect. The three of them

all tried to commit suicide and in result got sent to a drug center where they

are faced with many challenges and hope to become a better person. In this

novel you get a chance to experience a totally different kind of life and how

bad it can really get for some people. You read about how they strive to

overcome there problems and fears and how they get to where they are now.

2.) In this novel my favorite character is Conner because in the end he really

leaves you thinking. He is the kind of guy who is really buff and very

handsome and looks like he would have the perfect life but on the inside

everything is messed up for him. His mother is insane and his friends are

turning on him and he just can’t take it. So he finds there can only be one

other option….MURDER. But when he missed the heart and hit a bone his

dad thought it would be best for him to go to this drub center. He made so

much effort and went a long way but that made a tragic mistake. Which made

me relies to always think before I act and weigh my options.

3.)This book was interesting because you got to experience a whole other

world. I liked how they continued to strive throughout the book and never

gave up, that is one trait I took out of the book. the books writing style was

written as a poem so it kept me interested because it was something I wasn’t

use to.

4.)“Act on your impulse, swallow the bottle, cut a little deeper, put the gun to

your chest.” I must have read that sentence in the book at least a dozen times

because it was so powerful. In one sentence the author was able to capture all

of the kids problems. How Tony pops pills, how Vanessa cuts herself and

how Conner tried to shot himself. All attempts of murder.

“Sometimes you’re traveling a highway, the only rode you’ve known and

Wham! A semi comes from nowhere and rolls right over you.” That sentence

told me that even if you have a boring life where you relies that you notice

that the only good thing about one day ending is that it will all happen again

tomorrow that surprise could always happen and especially when you don’t

expect it.

This book is a great novel and I would highly recommend it to anyone

fourteen years and older. I look forward to get started on the other books,

Burner, Crank and Glass.